The Story of The Foundation

Dynamic Leadership

Ambassadors serve as hosts for special guests,
sponsors and dignitaries on behalf
of the Texas FFA during Convention.



Pay it Forward

Support the efforts of the Texas FFA Foundation,
which in turn has a positive impact on
over 180,402 FFA Members and
2,500+ Agriculture Science Teachers
across the state of Texas.


Texas Team Ag Ed supports and administrates approximately $2.4 million a year in academic and award scholarships. Our organizations partner with scholarship sponsors to provide financial assistance for deserving Texas FFA students. Scholarships range from $2,000 - $20,000

Sponsor a Scholarship

You can help develop their potential for personal growth, career success and leadership in a global marketplace by becoming a sponsor.

Become a Convention Sponsor
Become a Corporate Sponsor
Hi-res video: 

Our Corporate Sponsors

Platinum Level Sponsors

Silver Level Sponsors

Legislative LEAD Sponsor

Texas Team Ag Ed

Each member of Texas Team Ag Ed plays an important role in our agricultural education and FFA programming. For more information on our variety of services, please visit the organizations below.

  • ATAT

    Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas (ATAT)

  • FFA Collegiate

    Texas FFA Association

  • FFA Education

    Texas FFA Foundation

  • Agriculture Food and Natural Resources

    Agriculture Food & Natural Resources

  • Young Farmers

    Texas Young Farmers

  • FFA Alumni

    Texas FFA Alumni

For more information about Texas Agricultural Science Education, the Texas FFA or sponsorships

614 East 12th Street, Austin, TX 78701