Our Ambassadors play a vital role in hosting and building relationships with our sponsors, special guests, supporters, and other stakeholders attending the annual Texas FFA Convention.

Elevate your convention experience. Become an Ambassador.

Serving as an Ambassador will enhance the convention experience while providing the opportunity to serve and grow professionally.

  • Set higher goals
  • Build Confidence
  • Develop Soft Skills
  • Broaden your professional network
  • Share your agricultural story & FFA experience
  • Serve behind the scenes at the Texas FFA Convention
  • 40
  • 20

Junior and Senior Ambassadors are passionate Texas FFA members from across the state.
Leadership development training empowers Ambassadors to meet and interact with special guests, sponsors, and other VIPs. Each Ambassador is assigned a VIP guest to host affording them behind- the-scenes experiences and refining their hospitality skills.


The announcement for this years Ambassadors have been made.

Planning to apply next year? Click here for a PDF preview of the application form so you can plan ahead! We'll announce here when we're accepting online applications.

Considering Ambassadorship?

  • Any student who has taken an agriculture class and is an active member of the Texas FFA can apply to serve as a Texas FFA Foundation Ambassador.
  • Applicants are encouraged to have attend a Texas FFA Convention prior to applying.
  • Area Officers -The Foundation advises focusing on fulfilling the responsibilities of your area officer position, which includes serving the members in your area on the delegate floor and participating in area activities at the convention, rather than trying to undertake both roles simultaneously.

Visit the Texas FFA Convention website for detailed information.

This includes daily schedules and logistical details for Ambassadors during the week of Convention.

Convention Experience

The Ambassador program is not a replacement for Convention.
Serving as an Ambassador should enhance the convention experience.

Ambassador Expectations
  • Arrive on time every time with a great attitude.
  • Have transportation to and from convention center.
  • Check-in with Ambassador Coordinators regarding your assignments.
  • Be a team player and commit to give 110%.
  • Have FUN ... Learn a LOT ... Share with OTHERS.
What participants are saying...

For more information about Texas Agricultural Science Education, the Texas FFA or sponsorships

614 East 12th Street, Austin, TX 78701