Challenge yourself with an elite leadership development, community service opportunity, and a year-based capstone project.

Provided by Ford Motor Company, Texas Ford Dealers, Texas FFA Foundation, and Texas FFA Association.

The Ford Leadership Scholars program is an intensive leadership development program designed to engage a select group of highly-motivated FFA students in a year long community based capstone project.

Becoming a Ford Leadership Scholar is a chance for you to step out and make a difference not only for yourself but for your community.

  • Expand your professional network
  • Improve your resume with real-world experience
  • Collaborate with a variety of professional organizations
  • Reflect on personal and academic growth
  • Pursue your passions through meaningful projects
  • Apply classroom knowledge in the real world
  • Develop marketable skills for career advancement
  • Build a supportive network for mentorship and opportunities
  • Gain leadership experience and confidence
  • Enhance problem-solving skills through real challenges
  • Learn from diverse viewpoints and experiences
  • Deepen civic engagement in addressing social issues
  • Join a supportive community on your journey
  • Broaden your understanding of complex social issues
  • Leave a lasting positive impact on your community

How does it work?

  • How many Scholars are selected each year?


    Each year, the program will select 10 new Scholars. To be eligible, applicants must be juniors in high school who have met the requirements of the Lone Star Degree and demonstrate an interest in the topic of leadership.

  • How are candidates selected?


    The criteria for selection will be assessed based on six key characteristics of leadership: action, relationships, vision, character, awareness, and continuous improvement—identified by agriculture industry leaders. The process involves submitting an application, taking an exam on a leadership book, and undergoing an in-person evaluation by a selection committee.

  • What are the program dates?

    • December 16, 2024 - FLS applications open/book assignment announced
    • January 20, 2025 - FLS application due by 5:00 pm WITH ADVISOR RECOMMENDATION
    • February-March - Candidates notified of interview selection via email
    • May 19, 2025 - Texas Farm Bureau Headquarters - Finalist Interviews
    • July 12-15, 2025 - Required Ford Leadership Scholar Training
    • July, 2026 - Required Texas FFA Convention
  • How do I apply?


    The entire application is completed through the online roster system. Advisors must log onto the Roster System to select students to apply.

    The application process requires both student and advisor submission, so students should submit the application in a timely manner, allowing for advisor approval.

  • How will Scholars enhance those qualities of leadership?


    The Scholars will participate in a week-long training seminar prior to state convention. During that time, they will begin to think about a community service project to work on for the remainder of their time as a scholar. Each Scholar will be assigned a mentor who will assist the Scholar through their leadership project during the fall semester. In late winter/early spring, each Scholar will present his or her project results to the entire group for evaluation. If completed successfully, the Scholar will have effectively completed the Ford Leadership Scholars program.

  • What do Scholars receive as a result of the program?


    Scholars have a tremendous opportunity to grow as leaders through the training they will receive, the relationship with their mentor, and the exposure they will have to key business and industry leaders. The scholars will also be recognized on stage at the State FFA Convention and receive a $1,000 scholarship.

  • How long does this process from application until conclusion take?


    Applications are due in January for the program. Selection of students will conclude in May. The training will be in June, and the community service projects begin in August. Project evaluation will occur in the spring. The entire Ford Leadership Scholars process should take about 1 full year from application until conclusion.

Interested in becoming a Ford Leadership Scholar?

If you are inspired to further develop your leadership and project management skills, while making an impact on your community, contact your advisor today.

The application process requires both student and advisor submission, so students should submit the application in a timely manner, allowing for advisor approval.

For more information about Texas Agricultural Science Education, the Texas FFA or sponsorships

614 East 12th Street, Austin, TX 78701